Sunday, December 17, 2006

Coup puts Fiji's place in Pacific Forum under threat

By Malenie Judy,
WNS Pacific Bureau Chief

SYDNEY - Fiji's position within the influential Pacific Islands Forum was under threat Sunday as the military set about forming an interim cabinet following the recent coup. "The position of Fiji in the Forum is now under consideration," forum secretary Greg Urwin said in a statement. "The impacts of the (military) removal of the democratically elected government are already beginning to have serious consequences not only for the economy and the welfare of the people of Fiji but also the international reputation of Fiji and the region as a whole."

The forum, which groups 16 South Pacific regional nations, was also looking at new leadership arrangements after current chairman, Fiji's Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, was deposed. The coup "made it impossible as a matter of practicality for him to fulfil his duties as forum chair at the present time," Urwin said. Following his December 5 coup, military commander Voreqe Bainimarama has found little outside support. Fiji has been suspended from the British Commonwealth and faced sanctions from regional powers Australia and New Zealand, while the United States has cut aid.

Urwin said the Pacific Forum members had expressed "their collective commitment" to upholding democratic processes and institutions in member countries. "The crisis in Fiji must be resolved through negotiation, within the constitution and with respect for the rule of law," he said. But as Fiji faced economic hardship and isolation following the bloodless coup, Bainimarama continued to establish a new administration. After sacking the Qarase government he advertised cabinet posts in newspapers and received more than 400 replies. Military spokesman Major Neumi Leweni said shortlisted applicants would be interviewed soon, the Fijilive website reported.


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