Monday, December 04, 2006

Fiji army moves to control Suva

By Malenie Judy,
WNS Pacific Bureau Chief

SYDNEY - Fiji's military has moved to take control of the capital, Suva, amid speculation an army coup was imminent. Troops disarmed the police and ministerial bodyguards and set up roadblocks around Suva. Military chief Cmdr Frank Bainimarama refused to say if a coup was under way but said the moves were aimed at preventing any outbreak of violence. He has repeatedly threatened to unseat PM Laisenia Qarase over plans to grant amnesty to those behind a coup in 2000.

Truckloads of heavily-armed soldiers were seen leaving the army's barracks in Suva. They were putting up roadblocks around the capital during the night, and had reportedly cut off several roads into the city. Earlier, troops arrived at the headquarters of the country's only armed police unit, the Tactical Response Unit, outside Suva. They loaded weapons belonging to police on to army trucks and took them away. Troops also went to a police armoury in the city to remove more weapons. Bodyguards for the prime minister and other ministers were also disarmed. Cmdr Bainimarama told reporters his troops had taken weapons off the police "to ensure that police weapons are not used against the military". But he insisted the police still had a role to play. "The police and the (military) will work together to ensure the security and safety of all the people of Fiji," he said in a brief statement. The move was called "unlawful and unnecessary" by acting police commissioner Moses Driver. Cmdr Bainimarama gave no indication whether a coup was under way during his statement to reporters, despite local media reports that he has drawn up a 13-member interim cabinet. When asked who was running the country, he replied: "I don't have any comments right now". He originally gave the government until last Friday to resign or face Fiji's fourth army takeover in two decades. In a TV interview at the weekend, he said he expected the prime minister to "give in peacefully" and leave office on Monday. Prime Minister Qarase remained defiant on Monday, insisting he was still in charge. He said he had called a special cabinet meeting on Tuesday to consider Cmdr Bainimarama's "latest and ever-changing demands".

Australia and New Zealand have warned of dire economic and social consequences if the military deposes Fiji's elected government. "It is clear Fiji is on the brink of a coup," Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told his parliament. New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark warned Cmdr Bainimarama that sanctions would follow any coup, including a possible travel ban to New Zealand where he has family.


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